Speech Teach Speech Teach UK Resources
Speech Therapy
General Educational
Parent Information
Clipart Pictures
Kids Crafts
Summary Table

Summary Table

The resources summary table is split into the following sections

Information for parents | Picture cards | Speech therapy games | General educational | | Rewards | Clipart | Kids Crafts | The Cat's Out |

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Information for parents
  1. The Little Bear who Sucked his Thumb - Thumb sucking is a very common problem with children. This book approaches the issue in a fun and non-threatening way, providing subtle motivation and inspiration for children to stop the habit when they’re ready.
  2. Tips and hints
  3. The Ten Commandments For Parents Of Children with Special Needs
  4. Kinderstart - a search engine for all things related to kid's education, health and development
  5. Story Time - the benefits of reading to your children including useful information from and links to other sites 
  6. Developmental milestones for speech and language development. 
  7. Our parent support group.
  8. Setting up your own support group
  9. Support Group Directory -  Our aim is to help people contact others in a similar situation, in their own area, or via the internet. 
  10. Reading Together - information to help parents with ideas about the best way to approach reading practice with their child
  11. Armani Drama Workshops - Nora Armani's children's workshops aim at giving children a chance to express themselves, helping them find a constructive and positive interactive interest in their everyday surroundings through drama.
  12. Which school for my child? - Choosing a school for your child can be a difficult process for parents, especially if your child has special educational needs.The Parent Partnership Programme in Derby have kindly given us permission to include their list of example questions you might want to ask when visiting a school.
Speech Therapy - Picture cards
  1. How to make picture cards
  2. Picture card match up  #
  3. Picture card treasure hunt  
  4. Picture and word match up  #
  5. Picture card snap  
Speech Therapy -Games and Activities



  1. Think of a... a game designed to get your child to think of words beginning with certain sounds. #
    Now including the Think of a .... 2002.
  2. Fill in a word ... stories with blanks to fill in with words or pictures.
    1. Freddy Fox. A story about a fox on an adventure. This story is stuffed full of words beginning with s, sh, h, and f. #
    2.  A story about Mum making a chocolate cake for the family. This story contains words beginning and ending with 'sh' and words beginning in 'ch'. 
  3. Sound Train  #
  4. On my way to school I saw... a game designed by a speech language pathologist based in Sydney Australia   #
  5. Number spinner - an alternative to using dice. #
  6. Frog Hop Game - A simple game to get your child to repeat the same word six times. #
  7. Sound spinner - is a simple activity to practice putting different sounds  before vowel sounds #
  8. Silly Rhymes and Crazy Creatures  #
    1. Monster Rhyme
    2. Monster Characters
    3. Nelly and the jelly
    4. Ricky the Tricky - a magical rabbit!
    5. Rog the Cowboy Frog
    6. Rough Scruff Pup
    7. Useful Rhyme books
    8. Speechtx Web site has a wonderful section on Nursery Rhymes for language. This is a brilliant source of ideas for games and activities using nursery rhymes, useful for both Speech Therapists and also for parents.
    9. Crazy Rhymes for Modern Times, written by Angie Barlow are a fantastic resource for parents wishing to use humorous rhyme to help teach their children.
  9. Odd one out -  a simple activity designed to encourage the use of language.#
  10. Fish Tails - a word puzzle designed to investigate the use of the sound 'sh' at the beginning or end of a word. #
  11. Letter Crash - An activity to help to teach your child to say the sounds 'ch' and 'j'. #
  12. Picture cubes  - 3 -dimensional cubes for you to construct with a picture on each face 
  13. From Beginning to End - a game to practice putting the sounds 'sh', 'ch' and 'th at the beginning or end of words.
  14. Rabbit Hop - A simple game to get your child to repeat the same word six times. This game is based on our Frog Hop game but in this game the playing cards are larger and more suitable for use with younger children.
General Educational
  1. What time is it? make and use a teaching clock. #
  2. Split word cards. An early reading activity. #
  3. Garden writing - helps practice handwriting. 
  4. Read it! - A workbook to practice reading phonetically similar word sets 
  5. A 1 -100 number square - to be used to teach early mathematics skills. #
  6. A 1 -10 x multiplication tables square  #
  7. Picture Alphabet  #
  8. Week Snake - Teach your child the days of the week
  9. Fraction lines - to help teachyour child about fractions
  10. Spelling Fish - A simple activity to help your child learn to spell.
  11. Word lists - to help teach spelling and reading
  12. Number Friends - to teach number bonds to 10
  13. Pet Shop Chaos - to order numbers by size
  14. Number practise 1-20 - This game helps your child to practise recognising and writing numbers 1 to 20.
  15. 1 to 20 Number spinner - A number spinner can be used in place of dice for lots of games.
General educational -Rewards
  1. Well done certificate  #
  2. Stickers - to print on Avery J8160 Inkjet address labels #
  3. Sticker chart  #







  1. Beginning sh
  2. Beginning h
  3. Beginning s
  4. Beginning f
  5. Beginning t  
  6. Beginning c/k  
  7. Beginning ch 
  8. Ending sh
  9. Clothes
  10. Animals NEW
  11. Activity words
  12. Food words
  13. Transport clipart  
  14. Household clipart  
  15. People and Occasions  
  16. Toys


Kids Crafts
  1. Easter chick collage
  2. Pebble Bugs  
  3. Play dough recipe 
  4. Christmas colouring and decorations ideas
  5. Mask making activity
The cat's out of the bag
  1. Who let the cat out?
  2. Beth's animated house
  3. Happy Easter!
  4. Happy Halloween!
  5. Sitting on the wall animation
  6. Ed's People animation

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